Funerals and Memorials Information
Memorial Service for Victor Nelson
It is with sadness but hope in the resurrection that we announce the passing of our brother-in-Christ Victor Nelson. Vic peacefully followed our Shepherd’s voice into God’s eternal presence the morning of Monday, December 9. Please keep Vic's family in your prayers.
A memorial service to honor Vic and give glory to God will be held at St. Mark's on Saturday, January 25 at 2:00 PM. Click HERE for the bulletin for Vic’s memorial service.
Rest eternal grant him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him. Amen.
Funeral Service for Abby Johnson
With sadness over our loss but joy in the promise of resurrection through Christ, we announce the passing into God's eternal presence of our sister Abby Johnson who entered God’s eternal presence this past Saturday. A funeral service for Abby will be held at St. Mark’s on Monday, November 25 at 10:00 AM. It will be followed by a reception. Interment will then be at Congressional Cemetery at 1:00 PM. Please keep Abby’s husband Ron and their sons—Adam, Alex, and Karl—in your prayers. Click HERE for the bulletin for her funeral service, and click HERE for an expanded obituary.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon her. Amen.
Funeral Service for Erven Meyer
It is with sadness but hope in the resurrection that we announce the passing into God's eternal presence of our brother-in-Christ Erven Meyer, who followed our Shepherd’s voice on July 30, 2024.
A service of Christian burial will be held at St. Mark's for Erven on Saturday, September 7 at 11:00 AM. The service will be immediately followed by a reception at St. Mark's. Graveside prayers will take place at 2:00 PM at National Memorial Park (7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA). We continue to hold Norma and all of Erven’s family in our prayers.
Rest eternal grant him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him.
Funeral Service for Pattie Dooley
It is with sadness but hope in the resurrection that we announce the passing into God's eternal presence of our sister-in-Christ Pattie Dooley, who followed our Shepherd’s voice Wednesday morning, August 7, 2024. Please keep the Dooley family in your prayers.
Visitation at DeMaine Funeral Home in Springfield was on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The Funeral Service was at St. Mark’s on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 beginning at 11:30 AM. Immediately following the service, interment occured at Fairfax Memorial Park, 9900 Braddock Road, Fairfax, VA 22032.
Rest eternal grant her, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon her.
Funeral Service for Don Hale
It is with sadness, but hope in the resurrection, that we announce the passing into God's eternal presence of our brother in Christ Donald Robert Hale, who entered into God's eternal presence February 21, 2024. Please keep Don's wife Julia and their family in your prayers.
A funeral service and celebration of Don’s’s life was held at St. Mark’s sanctuary on February 26th beginning at 2:00 PM, preceded by visitation beginning at 1:00 PM at the church. A reception followed in the Fellowship Hall. Click HERE for the bulletin for his memorial service. Interment was held at 2:00 PM at Pohick Cemetery, Lorton, VA.
Rest eternal grant him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him.
Funeral Service for Marilyn Anderson
A service of Christian burial for our sister-in-Christ Marilyn Anderson will be held at St. Mark's on Saturday, December 14 at 10:00 AM. The service will be followed by a reception.
Interment at Quantico National Cemetery will occur on January 10, 2025. Please continue to keep Marilyn's children and their families in your prayers.
Click HERE for the bulletin for her funeral service.
Rest eternal grant unto her, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon her. Amen.
Funeral Service for Joe and Doris Wiedmann
It is with sadness but hope in the resurrection that we announce the passing into God’s eternal presence of our siblings-in-Christ Joe and Doris Wiedmann, who each peacefully followed our Shepherd’s call just two days apart—Joe on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 and Doris on Friday, July 26, 2024.
Visitation was at DeMaine Funeral Home in Springfield on Friday, August 16 at 2:00 PM-4:00 PM and 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Their Funeral Service was held at St. Mark’s on Saturday, August 17, 2024 beginning at 4:00 PM. Click HERE for the bulletin for their funeral service.
Rest eternal grant them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.
Funeral Service for Dave Smith
It is with sadness but hope in the resurrection that we announce the passing into God's eternal presence of our brother-in-Christ Dave Smith who followed our Shepherd’s voice Sunday night, July 21, 2024.
All were invited to join us for a funeral service for Dave, which was held at Quantico National Cemetery at 11:00 AM on Monday, August 12. If attending, please report to the cemetery administrative building by 10:45 AM. Please continue to pray for Karen and the Smith family.
Rest eternal grant him, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him.
Celebration of Life for John Graff
It is with sadness but hope in the resurrection that we announce the passing into God's eternal presence of our brother in Christ John Graff who peacefully followed our Shepherd’s voice early on December 28, 2023. Please keep Kay and the entire Graff family in your prayers.
A celebration service of John’s life and to commend him to God’s eternal care will be held on Saturday, February 10th beginning at 2:00 PM in St. Mark’s sanctuary. It will be followed by a reception in the Fellowship Hall. Click HERE for the bulletin for his memorial service.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord; and let light perpetually shine upon him. Amen.
Celebration of Life for Dennis Dzierzawski
It is with sadness, but hope in the resurrection, that we announce the passing into God's eternal presence of our brother in Christ Dennis Dzierzawski, who entered into God's eternal presence January 24, 2024. Please keep Dennis' sons Kevin and Darren and his dear friend Karen Randall in your prayers.
A memorial service and celebration of Dennis’s life was held at St. Mark’s sanctuary on February 24th beginning at 11:00 AM. A reception followed in the Fellowship Hall. Click HERE for the bulletin for his memorial service. Interment was held at 2:00 PM at Pohick Cemetery, Lorton, VA.
Rest eternal grant him, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him.