What We Believe

We hold to the basic principles of Martin Luther’s theological teachings, such as Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone. These comprise the very essence of Lutheranism:

We are saved by the grace of God alone -- not by anything we do;

Our salvation is through faith alone -- a confident trust in God, who in Christ promises us forgiveness, life, and salvation; and

The Bible is the norm for faith and life -- the true standard by which teachings and doctrines are to be judged.

Our Vision Statement

Called by God into community with our neighbors, nation, and world, St. Mark’s is one Lutheran parish with many cultural voices and room for everyone to be at home.

Our Mission Statement

Founded in faith, growing in grace, we are called to love and serve God, one another, and the world.

Our Discipleship Statement

St. Mark's Congregation:

Prays . . . daily communion with God

Worships . . . frequent formal and informal worship of God and His glory

Serves . . . congregation and the community beyond

Grows spiritually . . . through Bible study, retreats, and pastoral guidance

Welcomes . . . others and invites them to join the community of St. Mark's

Healthfully maintains God's creation . . . ourselves, our world, and its resources

Gives gratefully . . . time, talents, and treasures to further the work of the Lord