Women of the ELCA

President, Linda Pendleton    EMAIL

The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church offer several Circles that meet once a month for Bible study, fellowship, and friendship. We have one Circle that meets every Friday (Spanish language). If you are interested in coming to a meeting, please contact the leaders. Monthly Circles meet on the first Tuesday or Wednesday of the month, except for December and May when all the women join together the first week of that month at church. Some Circles also take a hiatus in July and August for the summer. (If a meeting date falls on a holiday, some changes may be made to that meeting's time.)

All women of St. Mark's are invited to join or visit any of the circles that meet the first week of each month (except for July and August when we don't meet). We'd love you have you visit any of our circles at any of these times!

As a means of honoring Margret Feigel’s life and helping the Lynbrook children that she loved so, we are collecting kids’ sweatshirts, sweatpants, and such. There will be a collection box for the items in the narthex for this on Sundays. Thank you very much for considering this.

WELCA Board Meeting

The next St. Mark's WELCA Executive Board Meeting will be on Monday, January 13, at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

Sign up for Daily Grace


Daily Grace is an on-the-go companion for your journey, offering a faith reflection every day. Encounter God’s extravagant, boundless and often surprising grace by signing up for a daily email message. You can also download the newly updated app for your IOS and Android devices.

Circle Meetings for January, 2025

As 2025 begins, Women of the ELCA circles continue to meet monthly, continuing fellowship and Bible study for members. Our project this month will be a monetary gift to Lutheran Disaster Response. If you are interested in joining a circle, please “just show up” at your desired meeting—you will be warmly greeted!

  • Martha Circle will meet on Tuesday, February 4 at 10:00 AM in the lounge, with ZOOM available. The program, led by Laidler, will be from the book Proverbs Bible Study “Words like swords and Honey (Proverbs about what we say).” Mary Lou will be the hostess.

  • Esther Circle will meet on Wednesday, February 5 at 9:30 AM in the Friendship House. The Bible study will be session 1 from the January/February 2024 Gather Magazine “Weather” led by Joan. Joan will also be the hostess.

  • Deborah Circle will meet by ZOOM only on Wednesday, February 5 at 7:00 PM. Mary Anderson will lead the program with a selected Bible verse/passage. The link is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89590098708?pwd=a0s85uGqOrdoW5HBizB4jjtHkuRmcG.1

  • Tabitha Circle is now meeting in St. Mark’s Fellowship Hall on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM. This is a change for the winter only. 

WELCA wishes all St. Mark’s members a healthy 2025 and welcomes new members.

Women of the ELCA December Combined Circle Meeting

The Winter Combined Circle Soup Luncheon was held on Saturday, December 7, 2024 in the Fellowship Hall. Although it was cold in the hall, we had a wonderful hot lunch of six different soups, hot rolls, crackers, lovely desserts and coffee. MANY THANKS to Cherry for organizing the food and to all the women who brought their delicious soups. And a big thanks to the planning committee and to the hostesses from each of our circles.

The Project for December was Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.  If you were unable to attend in person, please send your checks to Shanon.

Our program was “The Colors of Christmas”, where the planning committee decorated a small Christmas tree as the colors were described:  

a. Green evergreen tree for God’s never-ending love for us
b. red garland for Jesus’ wrapping us in redemption
c. blue ornaments representing heaven, hope and peace
d. purple ornaments for Jesus’ royalty as King of Kings
e. a yellow lighted angel for the announcement of Jesus’ birth to the shepherds
f. silver and gold ornaments and silver tinsel to remind us of God’s riches of redemption, forgiveness, and grace  
g. red and white candy canes to remind us of God’s great love  
h. cookies to remind us that God provides for our daily needs; and finally
i. various creches to show that Jesus came into the world for all of us.

The readings were interspersed with Christmas Carols.  The program ended with more Christmas carols and a closing prayer, followed by the Cookie Exchange.

We had a wonderful time of food and fellowship. We missed everyone who couldn’t attend.

Have a Very Merry Christmas!

Metro DC Synodical Women’s Organization (SWO) “Welcome Back” Mini-convention
celebrating “Resilience and Hope”

was held at St. Mark’s on Saturday, September 21st. Thanks to all the hard working volunteers and donations from our St. Mark’s women who helped to make it a success!

May Combined Circle Meeting and Salad Supper …

… was held on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. At this semi-annual salad/dessert supper, we were treated to a myriad of delicious salads from various circle members and wonderful desserts from our hostesses! Our guest speaker was Pastor Saul Cardona, who spoke about his past and upcoming mission trips to Honduras. We helped to support his ministry with a small stipend and free-will offering. Our May project was providing summer items for the children in Wise, VA with summertime sports equipment and kids clothes, toiletries, suitcases/duffle bags, socks, shoes in good condition, and gift cards.

Thanks to everyone who attended and supported our May project and Pastor Saul’s Honduras trip.

Filled Christmas Stockings for the Angel Tree in Wise, VA

On Sunday, November 12th, Janelle Swensson and her husband came to the Friendship House to collect the Christmas stockings, toys, games, children’s warm clothing, and bags of quilts for the foster children of Wise, VA. Thanks so much to all those at St. Mark’s and Springfield Firestone who filled these stockings! Your generosity in helping the less fortunate knows no bounds. And thanks to Alice Real and St. Mark’s Youth who carried all the boxes and loaded up the two SUVs. 

Here is an extract from Janelle’s email:

I cannot begin to thank-you enough for all you have done. Having your youth to help with loading was truly a gift. Please, please thank them for us. The stockings and quilts and all the accessories are all wonderful. The generosity of the gift cards and check are just overwhelming. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. Do you know how many lives/children you will touch and spread great light to?? It is just amazing. ~ Janelle

Again, a great big thank you to St. Mark’s—to our congregation, our WELCA Circles, Quilts and More, and the Sunday School and Youth for opening your hearts and for being a blessing to these children!

CONGRATULATIONS TO our St. Mark’s “Bold Woman” for 2024 Sandy Lind!


As a community of women
Created in the image of God
Called to discipleship in Jesus Christ
And empowered by the Holy Spirit
We commit ourselves to
Grow in faith
Affirm our gifts,
Support one another in our callings,
Engage in ministry and action,
And promote healing and wholeness
In the church, society, and the world.

Link to Metropolitan Washington D.C. Synodical Women's Group 

Link to churchwide Women of the ELCA